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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Avoid these 5 Mistakes when Buying Car Insurance

Ensure Your Special Items Receive Special Coverage Even though your homeowners insurance allows you to pick an amount of coverage for personal property - your personal belongings inside the home - you may be surprised that your policy includes limits on certain items; most are higher-end items, such as cameras, electronic equipment, guns, and jewelry. So, if you buy a policy with $50,000 in personal...

Independent Contractors Risk All Without the Right Coverage

More companies are outsourcing jobs to freelancers or independent contractors (ICs). According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, the number of freelancers and ICs has grown dramatically in the last few years and is expected to continue rising. Many freelancers and ICs themselves have failed to keep up with the times; these days you need commercial insurance more than ever, but few realize that without...

Car Repair Insurance or Extended Warranty?

  Coverage Protects You Against Uninsured Drivers Have you ever looked at your insurance policy and wondered what these two lines mean? Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists Coverage Property Damage (UMPD/UIM-PD) Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists Coverage Bodily Injury (UMBI/UIM-BI) It's not as it seems - you're not paying for coverage for people who can't afford it, you're paying to protect yourself. UMBI pays for your injuries, and UMPD, for your...

The Five-Second Rules, and Liability Insurance Information

Eat and Enjoy: The Five-Second Rule Rules You're at the cafeteria about to take the last bite of your homemade chocolate chip muffin, but you drop it on the floor. Relax and enjoy: research out of UK-based Aston University supports the five-second rule, suggesting it may be okay for us to consume food that's been dropped on the floor, providing it goes from floor to...

What are Surety Bonds, and Do You Need Them?

What Are Surety Bonds, and Do You Need Them? We often see the phrase "bonded and insured", but what exactly does it mean? This refers to the process of bonding through surety bonds. Although they are a form of commercial insurance at their core, surety bonds work slightly differently: Generally speaking, they play a different role and fulfil a different objective than other insurance policies...