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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Avoid the Grinch, and Auto Insurance Info

Deck the Halls: Think Fire Safety and Watch the Christmas Tree According to the National Fire Protection Association, 50 percent of house fires occur in December. The usual culprit? Tannenbaums. So before decorating this year's tree, consider the following: From 2006 to 2010, Christmas trees started an average 240 house fires a year, resulting in four deaths and 21 injuries, not to mention $17.3 million...

Travel Apps Designed for Wherever Your Road Takes You, and Health Insurance Info

Review Your Health Care Benefits Prior to Year-end As the end of the year approaches, many of us are thinking about health insurance; for example, most employers open up enrollment to health care benefits. Newer employees can sign up, and other employees can change benefits. Now's the perfect time to review options, reduce costs or add coverage. But many put off taking action because of...

Yield Starved? Annuities May be the Answer

A Balanced Portfolio May Not Work for Today's Retirees It's been a no-brainer since retirees first invested money to provide security in their retirement years: Balance your nest eggs between stocks, bonds and cash, because this is most likely to give you the best return on your investment dollar, while minimizing risk. These days, however, it's not that simple: with today's high stock prices and...

How to Pick the Homeowner's Insurance Policy That's Right For You

How to Pick the Homeowners Policy That's Right For You Congratulations! You've made the decision; it's time to become a homeowner. But before you even start your home search, look into the kinds of homeowners insurance you'll need. Follow these tips to protect your new family home for a lifetime: Insure your home at replacement value When you purchase homeowners insurance, you have a choice...

Avoid These Three Mistakes When Buying a Health Insurance Plan

Term Life Insurance, Is It Right for You? Many of us think of life insurance as something that will last for the rest of our lives - but that's not always the case. So-called "whole" life insurance policies do stay in effect for your lifetime, providing you continue to pay the premiums. "Term" life insurance, on the other hand, provides coverage for a limited period...