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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Annuities May Offer More Than Secure Income

Annuities May Offer More Than Secure Income There is more to annuities then simply having the safety net of a guaranteed "payday." As an annuitant, your income stream may be higher than you think. But do your homework. You purchase an annuity from a life insurance company, paying premiums now for what will be a guaranteed income stream in the future. When you buy a...

Warning! Letting Your Insurance Policy Lapse Could Cost You

Three Auto Insurance Facts That Might Surprise You Even savvy car insurance customers might not be aware of all the little-known facts about car insurance claims and coverage. Your insurance policy will probably cover you while you are in Canada. Driving in Canada is rarely discussed when purchasing auto insurance. Thankfully though, most insurance companies extend your same policy's coverage while north of the border....

Latest Tech Tools Help Boost Your Business Productivity, and Contractual Insurance Info

Key Person Insurance Helps Protect Your Business In small businesses, the death or disability of a key employee is difficult to overcome. His or her share in the business normally transfers to heirs. This can cause problems for businesses that may not want a new partner or cannot afford to buy out heirs. To avoid this problem, many business owners enter into a buy-sell agreement....

Why Retweeting May Necessitate a Retwaction, and Healthcare Info

Time to Get Ready for Next Year's Healthcare Changes As 2014 approaches, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will bring many changes not only for American citizens, but also for doctors and insurance companies. How it Impacts You If you already have health insurance, 2014 will proceed normally. If you don't purchase health insurance, you could incur a penalty. If you purchase health insurance through a...

Why Investors are Flocking to Fixed Annuities

Why Investors Are Flocking to Fixed Annuities There are two primary types of annuities available to meet the needs of different investors: variable and fixed. But many investors are choosing the fixed annuity. Let's explore why. Variable annuities accumulate and distribute income based on the performance of the investments in which the purchaser's money is placed. Essentially, with a variable annuity, you choose from a...