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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Terrible, No Good Holiday Disasters to Avoid

Terrible, No Good Holiday Disasters to Avoid It's a time for celebration and remembrance; a time to be surrounded by loved ones, eat well, and rejoice. But holidays are also frequently the days when disasters strike. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reports that Thanksgiving is a peak day for home cooking fires, and US fire departments respond to over 800 home fires per year...

Cargo Insurance Vs. Wholesalers & Distributors Insurance

Cargo Insurance Vs. Wholesalers & Distributors Insurance

Cargo insurance is not the same thing as wholesalers and distributors insurance. If your business is a wholesaler or distributor that ships cargo, you may need both types of insurance. Our experienced agent can review your business policies with you to help ensure you have the coverage you need at the best price for you. What Is Cargo Insurance? Cargo insurance provides protection against risks...

What Does My Renters Insurance Cover?

What Does My Renters Insurance Cover?

If you are renting a home or apartment, it is important to have renters insurance. Although there is no legal requirement that you carry renters insurance, it may be required by your landlord under the terms of your lease. It helps protect both you and your landlord by ensuring that, if something happens on the premises, either the landlord’s insurance or your renters insurance will...

How Do I Change My Life Insurance Beneficiary?

How Do I Change My Life Insurance Beneficiary?

It is crucial to name a beneficiary on your life insurance policy. Otherwise, when you die, the policy becomes part of your estate and subject to probate. However, you may change your mind about who you want your beneficiary to be, in which case you have the right to change it. What Is The Process For Changing Beneficiaries On A Life Insurance Policy? In most...

How Business Owners Package (BOP) Insurance Can Save You Money

How Business Owners Package (BOP) Insurance Can Save You Money

Business owners package (BOP) insurance gives you several different insurance products rolled into one. Eligibility for this type of package can vary among providers. Purchasing BOP insurance can save your business money, as it is typically sold at a premium less than the total cost of individual coverages. What Does Business Owners Package Insurance Cover? BOP insurance can be individually-tailored to suit your business. Our...