Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.
Make Your Meetings Better
Posted: August 1, 2018
Make Your Meetings More Meaningful Pointless, endless meetings are the bane of the workweek. But meetings don't have to be a boring waste of time. Use the following tips to make your meetings more productive. Start with proper preparation. Before calling a meeting, have a clear purpose, a well-defined agenda, and specified outcomes that you want to achieve. Limit the scope of the meeting to...
6 Things Covered By Homeowners Insurance You May Not Have Thought Of
Posted: July 15, 2018
When it's Time for Teenagers to Take the Wheel He/she has matured past the tricycle phase, grown beyond the bicycle stage, and is ready to try their hand at something with an engine. Your teen says their ready to drive. Are you ready? Whether or not you're emotionally up for the task, you can at least prepare yourself financially. Take the following steps before your teen takes...
Personal Networking
Posted: July 3, 2018
INSURANCE Choosing Business Coverage: The Goldilocks Method One bed was too small. One was too big. Goldilocks didn't rest until she found just the right size. It's important that you do the same for your commercial insurance coverage. A variety of policies are available, and yours should be customized to suit the needs of your business. These needs are different depending on whether your business...
Car Sharing and Auto Insurance
Posted: June 10, 2018
Car Sharing and Auto Insurance: What You Need to Know More and more car owners are looking to their vehicles as sources of potential income. The family sedan is no longer simply a tool to get to work, and it does more than deliver pizzas. Peer-to-peer car-sharing services have made it possible to "rent" a personal vehicle to other drivers who are seeking transportation. If...
Your Reputation Is Vital
Posted: June 1, 2018
Your Reputation Is Vital! How can business owners best protect their companies? You may have heard the most common small business claim is theft. This is true, but it's not the most costly one. Reputational harm claims top this list. These claims include libel, slander, and violation of privacy. The average cost for these claims is $50,000. If the claim involves a lawsuit, the price...