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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

How to Enjoy a Claim-Free Holiday Season

How to Enjoy a Claim-Free Holiday Season No one puts "insurance claim" on their holiday wish list. Most would rate this item right below a lump of coal. Yet, due to a lack of safety measures, this is what many people get. Accidents and fires related to decorations are fairly common during the holiday season, but they are avoidable with the proper precautions. Avoid holiday...

Keep the "Steal Me" Sticker Off Your Car

How to Keep the 'Steal Me' Sticker Off Your Car No one wants to attract the attention of thieves. Yet the actions of many vehicle owners practically beg thieves to take a crack at their cars. What are you doing that might tempt thieves? And, just as important, what are you doing to deter them? Vehicle owners can easily reduce the risk of car theft and resulting...

How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

How to Calculate Your Life Insurance Needs It's hard to generalize when it comes to life insurance. What one family needs may differ drastically from what another family in similar circumstances requires. How can you know if you have enough? One way to determine how much life insurance you need is to peg it to 10 times your yearly income. This method, however, doesn't provide...

Prepare Your Property for the Colder Months

Prepare your property for colder months... Summer is ending, and the season change is a good time to review key items on or around your commercial property. Keeping tabs on these items each fall will help you avoid claims year-round. For healthy maintenance of your property, don't head into storm season without checking: The roof. Summer storms often cause roof damage. If it's minor, it can...

New Season New Insurance Needs?

Just Married? 'Insure' Your Future and Live Happily Ever After If you tied the knot this summer, congratulations! Marriage changes things forever, including your insurance needs. If you're a newlywed, ensure you consider these issues now for a happily-ever-after future. Multiple policies: As you combine your households, do the same for your insurance coverage. Most couples have separate policies, often with different companies. Combine multiple...