Your Credit Rating Can Affect Your Insurance Premiums
Posted: July 16, 2014
Your Credit Rating Can Affect Your Premiums What factors do you believe determine insurance rates? If your answer is: At-fault accidents, violations, where you live, property value, and what you drive, you're right. You'd also be right if you mentioned other factors such as age, experience, claims history, and prior insurance coverage. But here's one you may not have guessed: Your credit history. And this...
Business Insurance News You Can Use: Live Like a Superachiever and Love What You Do
Posted: April 3, 2013
Live Like a Superachiever and Love What You Do Success doesn't just happen. Those who make it to the top - whether they are star athletes, business titans or standouts in any other field of endeavor - set their sights on being successful and continually reach for the stars. These individuals have a number of common traits: Passion: Superachievers have unwavering faith in what they...