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Tag: Business Insurance

How to Choose the Right Restaurant Insurance

How to Choose the Right Restaurant Insurance

If you own a restaurant, you know the importance of carrying the right insurance to protect your investment. It can be challenging to choose the best possible business insurance policy for your restaurant, and we are here to help. Read these tips about restaurant insurance to help avoid a financial disaster if something goes wrong. Risk Factors Specific to the Restaurant Business A restaurant has...

How to Promote Your Brand for Small Business Saturday

How to Promote Your Brand for Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday is celebrated every year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. In 2021, this holiday falls on November 27. This is the day set aside to support small businesses in the U.S. It was started by American Express in 2010 to bring more holiday shopping to small businesses.  In 2016, 112 million consumers across the nation participated in this event by shopping and dining...

Business Insurance to Protect Your Veteran-Owned Company

Business Insurance to Protect Your Veteran-Owned Company

Veterans entering the business world have access to a number of resources. These include the Small Business Administration, Veterans Affairs Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU), the SCORE Veteran Fast Launch Initiative, and American Corporate Partners (ACP).  One essential aspect of running a business is having adequate insurance coverage to protect your interests. The type of business insurance you need to protect your...

Failing Forward

Product Liability Suits and How You Can Prevent Them Think you don't need to worry about product liability? If your business manufactures, sells or even distributes products, you do, because the awards for liability suits can be high, making consumers more and more litigious. But you can head off the damage with product liability insurance. Product claims can vary, but they generally involve one of...

The Case for Having Humor at Work

Why Protecting Your Reputation Is Important Reputational harm is one of the greatest business threats today. How can business owners best protect their companies? Your business reputation is simply what others think and feel about your business. Those thoughts and feelings could be based on experiences with your business or on what people have heard about your business. And these experiences could be true or...