Can I Insure My Personal Vehicle With Commercial Auto Insurance?
Posted: February 4, 2020
If you are self-employed, you may believe your personal vehicles are covered for work use under your personal car insurance. When it comes time to file a claim, however, this could turn out to not be the case. Many business uses and vehicle types are excluded from personal policies. Our experienced agent can help you find a commercial auto insurance policy to suit your needs...
How Garage Insurance Can Protect Your Mechanic Business
Posted: January 19, 2020
Garage insurance is designed to protect garage owners against different types of liability. Any business that involves working on or around vehicles needs this type of insurance, particularly a mechanic business. Our knowledgeable agent can advise you on the garage insurance your mechanic business needs and help you find the best available rates. What Is Garage Insurance? Garage insurance is specialized general liability insurance for...
Do I Need Specialty Disaster Insurance If I Already Have Commercial Property Insurance?
Posted: January 4, 2020
Every business needs commercial property insurance. It protects your building and property inside the building, as well as fences, outdoor signs, and other exterior fixtures. But if you live in a flood zone or an area prone to earthquakes or other natural disasters, commercial property insurance may not be enough. You may need to purchase additional specialty disaster insurance to provide the protection your business...
Have You Reviewed Your Insurance Coverage for 2020?
Posted: January 3, 2020
Have You Reviewed Your Insurance Coverage for 2020? As the new year approaches, we often look back at the year gone by, reflect on the coming year, and make resolutions for the future. Business owners should do the same. But this means more than setting revenue goals. An important part of this review process should involve insurance coverage. The flipping of the calendar page is...
Understanding Kidnap & Ransom Insurance
Posted: December 19, 2019
Kidnapping for ransom is a lucrative business for perpetrators and more prevalent than you may think. The Insurance Information Institute (III) reports that kidnapping for ransom is on the increase. Prime targets are wealthy businesspeople and their families, professionals traveling abroad, journalists, and aid workers. Most kidnappings of Americans for ransom or extortion occur in Mexico, Columbia, Central or South American countries, parts of Africa,...