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Tag: Business Insurance

Lightning Protection

  When Unreimbursed Losses May Result in Tax Deductions Have you suffered a business property loss in a disaster? Did the destruction result in unreimbursed loss? If so, there's good news. When tax season rolls around, you may be able to recoup some of this loss. Under the U.S. tax code, unreimbursed property losses can be included in itemized deductions. So if a storm or...

Home Security?

What You Need to Know about Home Security Did you know...? Over 1.7 million burglaries occurred in the U.S. in 2014. Burglar-proofing can prevent nine out of 10 break-ins. Insurance discounts of between 2 and 15 percent are typically available to homeowners who install security systems. With these facts in mind, it's small wonder many homeowners install systems to beef up their home security. It...

Standing, Sitting, or Bed Desk?

Unleashing Employees' Creativity One Brick at a Time Today's top employers are keen to find new ways to inspire out-of-the-box thinking and stimulate the kind of creativity that will encourage innovation. One approach is LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, which was developed by LEGO with the goal of tapping the creative ideas and imagination that reside within the minds of a company's employees. It uses the group...

Straight Talk is the Best Talk

Insurance Is a Must When Storing Flammable Material If your business involves the storage of flammable/explosive material-even if you're only storing gasoline for use in company vehicles-it's essential to obtain the insurance coverage you need to protect yourself from damages in case of an event. Here are guidelines to help you navigate the tricky waters involved in storing hazardous material: Pollution Liability: If you store...

The Truth on Employers Life Insurance

Employer Life Insurance  Many of us receive our life insurance through our employers, and it's often cheaper that way. But there may be reasons to buy supplemental life insurance. Here are three: It may not be sufficient First, your employer may not offer enough life insurance to meet your needs. If your death would be a financial burden on your loved ones, experts often recommend...