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Tag: Car Insurance

Insure Your Hot Summer Ride With Seasonal Insurance

Puppy Shopping? Avoid the Insurance Doghouse Dogs may be man’s best friend, but when you introduce your new friend to your home insurance company, watch out. Some breeds make the unofficial "Bad Dog" list - which may mean higher premiums, or even worse, difficulty in obtaining insurance coverage. While you see your dog as a family member, your insurance company sees him or her as...

How to Make Your Family Fight to do the Laundry, and Rental Car Insurance Info

Don't Be a Victim of These Contractor Scams The recent popularity in do-it-yourself repairs and renovations has many homeowners rolling up their sleeves and getting to work. Replacing a faucet may be easy, but installing a roof or dishwasher can be daunting. These larger projects are better left to the professionals, but hiring a contractor can be a job in itself. Protect yourself from less-than-honest...

April Personal Insurance News You Can Use: Craving an Out-of-This-World Vacation?

Insuring your home at replacement cost not market value is the key... Consumers are often frustrated by the amount of insurance their mortgage company requires them to carry on their home. Sometimes that amount is greater than the home's market value; often it's more than the amount remaining on the mortgage. But many insurers still insist your home be insured for at least 80% of...

February Auto Insurance News You Can Use: RVing In Colorado This Spring?

Shopping Online for Car Insurance? Read this First Every day we're bombarded with advertising for auto insurance. According to a recent U.S. survey, car insurers alone spent $5.3 billion on advertising in 2011 - an increase of 15% over 2010. Why? The industry is changing. Vehicle registrations are down, and most North Americans now keep their cars longer due to the economy. Many are even...

November News You Can Use (Cut-Rate Insurance Can Actually Cost You More)

Cut-Rate Insurance Can Actually Cost You More If you're like the rest of us, you frequently receive solicitations and ads from cut-rate insurance companies promising to save you money on your auto or homeowners insurance. And, like most of us, you are being very careful with your money and looking at all your expenses in the hopes of cutting costs. However, buying cut-rate insurance may...