All About Insuring Pop-up Campers and Motorhomes
Posted: June 24, 2014
All About Insuring Pop-up Campers and Motorhomes Summer is finally here. What sunshine-filled adventures do you have planned? Maybe they involve tents, towable pop-up campers, or luxurious motorized vehicles. You're ready, but are you properly insured? Here are some factors to consider before wandering into the great outdoors: Tents or gear: Your car is covered under your auto insurance policy, but the policy typically doesn't...
How to Spring Clean Your Insurance Policies
Posted: May 13, 2014
How to Spring Clean Your Insurance Policies Warmer weather is finally here, and you've probably already started - if not completed - everything on your spring cleaning list. Or so you thought. In actuality, you need to do some "spring cleaning" of your insurance policies. It's one set of chores that could save you from losing everything you own - something you won't risk if...
How to Monitor Your Teen's Driving Habits, and Personal Property Coverage Info
Posted: March 11, 2014
PERSONAL PROPERTY COVERAGE... Some people think it's mandatory to have a record of all your possessions to get homeowners or renters insurance. This isn't true, but an inventory can still be a valuable tool. While the idea of going through every nook and cranny of your home and creating a record of every item likely doesn't appeal, making an inventory is a good way to...
Avoid the Grinch, and Auto Insurance Info
Posted: November 21, 2013
Deck the Halls: Think Fire Safety and Watch the Christmas Tree According to the National Fire Protection Association, 50 percent of house fires occur in December. The usual culprit? Tannenbaums. So before decorating this year's tree, consider the following: From 2006 to 2010, Christmas trees started an average 240 house fires a year, resulting in four deaths and 21 injuries, not to mention $17.3 million...
How to Pick the Homeowner's Insurance Policy That's Right For You
Posted: October 6, 2013
How to Pick the Homeowners Policy That's Right For You Congratulations! You've made the decision; it's time to become a homeowner. But before you even start your home search, look into the kinds of homeowners insurance you'll need. Follow these tips to protect your new family home for a lifetime: Insure your home at replacement value When you purchase homeowners insurance, you have a choice...