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Tag: Landscaping

Using Landscaping to Lower Insurance Premiums

Landscape Your Way to Lower Premiums on Your Property Properly maintained landscaping can add beauty and value to a property. Poorly developed or neglected landscaping does the opposite. Did you know landscaping has the same effects on insurance premiums? Applying specific landscaping techniques can help keep your premiums low. Here's how: Keep trees trim. Overgrown oaks and extended evergreens can cause property damage, which results...

How to Spring Clean Your Insurance Policies

How to Spring Clean Your Insurance Policies Warmer weather is finally here, and you've probably already started - if not completed - everything on your spring cleaning list. Or so you thought. In actuality, you need to do some "spring cleaning" of your insurance policies. It's one set of chores that could save you from losing everything you own - something you won't risk if...